Happy New YearHappy New Year

Looks like 2013 is all done. In looking back, this was a pretty good year for the house of Moses. The cars caused a few problems, but Boleter came through to fix most of the issues. I did have to go to the stealership once. Such a hassle. The beginning of 2014 is expected to a really good year. Keep an eye out for The Division, Titanfall, and Watchdogs.  Might need a new computer soon 🙂

Merry ChristmasMerry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone.

Christmas on a Wednesday is a nice break in the week. There wasn’t much traffic the morning of Christmas eve. I hope this lasts on the way home. Work this week is a much more calm and normal paced. I wish everyday was paced like this season.

Can’t wait to open gifts and gain 10 pounds from all the good food tomorrow.