Month: March 2014

Ah man…Ah man…

So close. It was warm and normal spring, then suddenly a slap in the face. I was not ready for the harsh winds and cold temps. This isn’t helping Deepa’s argument to move to Hawaii. Might have to keep Zillow Hawaii area in my bookmarks.

At least I can get more gaming on without feeling bad of not taking advantage of the weather. Just finished Frycry 3. I think I logged 50 hours on that game. Great game. The story really supported the open environment. The upgrades and escalation of difficulty matched pretty well also. This might be a 5/5 the more I think about it. My next game is Xcom enemy within. Rex hooked me up for Christmas. I have a feeling this might be another 50 hour game.

We are playing Ghost Recon and I am surprised how good the multi player is. It’s a good mix of different scenarios and timed action sequences for a co-op. After this I might jump on Battlefield 4. I don’t like how EA forces you to use their game manager. Why would you leave Steam. Come on EA.