Month: February 2014

Well this is going to be a close call?!?!?Well this is going to be a close call?!?!?

We needed to make room for something “smaller” so we let Mom borrow our twin bed. I didn’t realize the truck was this small.


Good thing I have plenty of bungie cords. Went to church 1st then headed to their house afterwards. I was happy to see everything was still there.

Well, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Are you ready? I am not. I think I am going to make all my own gifts and not buy anything. I am sticking it to the man. Macaroni cards, here I come.

I am getting fat.I am getting fat.

I don’t know what is worse? The fact that they are almost gone or that I ate most of them?


Thank you Costco.

If you saw the Super Bowl, I feel sorry for you if watched the entire game. Denver took a beating. We threw on Thor 2. I kind of liked it. I really like the main villian. Maybe I have a thing for a dark elf. Although stuffing my face with pizza and Coke 0 probably wasn’t a good idea also. Domino’s handmade pizza is probably the best pizza I have had since Z Pizza. Might have to get that more often…might…