I need to make theseI need to make these
Hopefully, not dying in the process
Hopefully, not dying in the process
I had a terrible experience flying on United to San Francisco. Let’s talk about why. Both aircrafts had mechanical issues that sigifcantly delayed my arrival. 1.5 hours the 1st flight and 2 hours for the second. While leaving Dulles, there was a Mom with an infant and they would not let her board early. She was in the last boarding group so she the last person to board. Finally, on a 4 hour flight the only thing free on the flight were drinks. No peanuts, no pretzels nothing to munch on. Come on. That makes no sense. There is so much waste on the craft with the magazines and holders behind the seat. Get rid of all that and I am sure I can check a bag for free. I still dont understand why it costs $25 to check a bag at the terminal, but I can check a bag for free at the gate. Why do we run out of overhead space? Every flight. Why can’t you get rid of all the overhead compartments and check everything. Wouldn’t that save even more weight? Also, why are the sodas delivered in cans? Why not install a dispenser? Wouldn’t that require less weight? In the end money talks, so I am going to take my business elsewhere.
On a side note, Babies R Us is out of the loop. Amazon and Target has everything I need.
But everyone does it. I assume it’s easier to just pull up on the side the fill is on, but that seems too simple. If you are one of the many, I hope the hose brakes and you catch on fire…OK, maybe not that severe.
Blacklisted. Every time I go there for a specific item, it’s always out if stock. It’s not even special items. I needed a level 4 nipple and they are completely out. And there baby food selection is smaller than Target or Wegmans.
You should be parkouring
While your at it, learn about the archer’s paradox
I ran across a bunch of videos this week, so make some popcorn and kickback (Scott actually found the 1st one, but don’t tell anyone).
Walk in Shanghai from JT Singh on Vimeo.
The OceanMaker from Mighty Coconut on Vimeo.
Went from
To this
Oh the humanity. The bunk bed is actually pretty cool. We had a wooden one when I was younger and I am pretty sure it was made out of some petrified African wood because it was super heavy and lasted ages. It looks like a bed that was used on the Mayflower.
Amelia threw up on my house slippers, and now I am left with this…
Oh the humanity.
They are actually pretty comfortable.