TehClan 37 Rando Project Unknown ElkTehClan 37 Rando Project Unknown Elk

TehClan 37 Rando Project Unknown Elk

Lots of travel and moving has prevented TehClan from rolling much but tonite we got our act together and played some CSGO and Wildlands. 3 out of 4 isn’t bad for this round, unfortunately we never got to WarFrame maybe next time. Music bot is still on point with some hard rock and some rap for this session. Some excellent solo B work was put in on Inferno, the bots were flying all over the place, and we even see a cameo from Crash. Wildlands was a blast with some serious driving going on and exactly zero sync shots were completed.

TehClan Division 36 Project Red DiskTehClan Division 36 Project Red Disk

TehClan Division 36 Project Red Disk

The Clan is back. After a bit of a hiatus while Ben moves, we took a small break from the audio pod. We did record a few videos which can be seen on the youtube channel. This week we get into some Division and CS:GO. We made an attempt at Warframe, but Mike needs to get through the first before he can unlock the multiplayer. Annnndddd Kev still doesn’t have Wildlands.

TehClan CSGO 32 Operation Revealing ThunderTehClan CSGO 32 Operation Revealing Thunder

TehClan CSGO 32 Operation Revealing Thunder

Our dedicated streaming rig has been disassembled so we switched out machines for the stream. It’s been a short break but we’re back in style with some mad pistol kills. Juan Deag comes out to play. It’s a short night but it’s good to get back into it.