Category: Uncategorized

So confusedSo confused

Having Friday off for July 4th is pretty awesome, except for the fact that I keep thinking it’s Friday on Thursday and Sunday on Friday. When I wake in the morning during this long weekend, I spend a few minutes just trying to figure out what day it is.

15-5 is not going to cut it.15-5 is not going to cut it.

For a few months, I cut back on the bandwidth to save a little coin. Unfortunately,  it might have been too much. On a gaming night, streaming Netflix, doing homework, gaming, and voip was just a little too much.

Luckily there was a sale on 75 down and 25 up so I jumped on it. Everything is so much smoother now. I never thought that 15 would not be enough. I guess my memories of 28kbps is throwing things off. 20 years later from those days, I am using 75mbps which is almost 3000 faster.

I guess we are using that much more data these days.

Why do I still have a cable subscription? ???Why do I still have a cable subscription? ???

The past few weeks have had a couple of interesting revelations in retrospect.

One is I am not sure I watch enough TV to justify the cost of a cable subscription. We have been watching a few series on Netflix and don’t miss anything on TV. There are a few series we actually try to keep up with like Madmen but they end up on Netflix anyway. We started watching Breaking Bad in season 3 and it was awesome to watch it in large chunks.

Everything looks better in slow motion