
I am getting fat.I am getting fat.

I don’t know what is worse? The fact that they are almost gone or that I ate most of them?


Thank you Costco.

If you saw the Super Bowl, I feel sorry for you if watched the entire game. Denver took a beating. We threw on Thor 2. I kind of liked it. I really like the main villian. Maybe I have a thing for a dark elf. Although stuffing my face with pizza and Coke 0 probably wasn’t a good idea also. Domino’s handmade pizza is probably the best pizza I have had since Z Pizza. Might have to get that more often…might…

So ColdSo Cold

Man, this cold wave has been killing me. I finally realized how bad it was, is when I had to change the battery in the truck. The oil needs to be changed and I don’t feel like doing it. I don’t trust those guys at Jiffy boob.

It’s funny because I am going to say the same thing in the summer. It’s too hot. Maybe Hawaii is the place to be 🙂 Fall is still my number one seed for seasons. Football, the smell of BBQ in the sharp crisp air…so good.

Happy New YearHappy New Year

Looks like 2013 is all done. In looking back, this was a pretty good year for the house of Moses. The cars caused a few problems, but Boleter came through to fix most of the issues. I did have to go to the stealership once. Such a hassle. The beginning of 2014 is expected to a really good year. Keep an eye out for The Division, Titanfall, and Watchdogs.  Might need a new computer soon 🙂

Merry ChristmasMerry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone.

Christmas on a Wednesday is a nice break in the week. There wasn’t much traffic the morning of Christmas eve. I hope this lasts on the way home. Work this week is a much more calm and normal paced. I wish everyday was paced like this season.

Can’t wait to open gifts and gain 10 pounds from all the good food tomorrow.