I almost criedI almost cried

It’s getting cold now. I guess I need to start wearing chap stick and putting lotion on. I ain’t got time for that.
While listening to one of the many podcasts on my Stitcher playlist, one of the channels had a port from another podcast called the Story Corps.
The particular story really struck a chord in me. The story is told by someone in the military who has a wife in the same unit. It’s a explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) unit. In short, the husband looses his wife on a mission and he was put in a vary dark place mentally.
A friend of his wanted him to to talk a young lady who was in the service but suffered severe injuries in the conflict. Her positive take on life in spite of loosing both of her arms is amazing. She is so content with what she has and does on a daily basis really forces me to think about my daily “activities”.
Link to story